FORUM MOD LOW $59.000 42,5eur 9us,A mass-producible polyoxovanadate cathode for ultrafast-kinetics zinc-ion batteries - Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D4QI00814F,Empowering TiO2–coated PVDF membranes stability with polyaniline and polydopamine for synergistic separation and photocatalytic enhancement in dye wastewater purification | Scientific Reports,Lattice-Preferred Orientation and Seismic Anisotropy of Minerals in Retrograded Eclogites from Xitieshan, Northwestern China, and Implications for Seismic Reflectance of Rocks in the Subduction Zone,Molecular mechanism of distinct chemokine engagement and functional divergence of the human Duffy antigen receptor: Cell,